by Luis Nieves | Nov 4, 2012
I've amassed a lot over the years and I really do need to start slimming the collection down! I simply don't have the space (nor willing wife) for a closet of doom the likes of Mordian! Hopefully the start of some selling will win some brownie points with the other...
by Luis Nieves | Aug 25, 2012
I'm alive! And more to the point am going to avoid talking about 6th edition rules! Instead I'm just going to get on with it. I've decided that my stalwart Guard, and stubborn Tau, will be taking a break from gaming and have turned to a new army for the new edition....
by Luis Nieves | May 28, 2012
In a break from normal proceedings I bring you a link to a PDF courtesy of Wayland Games here in the UK which has a full list of the UK price changes to Games Workshop prodcuts. I can't speak to how these exchange up in foreign... but I don't expect it to be...
by Luis Nieves | Apr 24, 2012
Following building the unit of zombies I looked to a way of painting them, the solution is something for my UK readers (though can be bore in mind by others that priming options may be available in unlikely places). I had formulated a scheme where I could use a grey...
by Luis Nieves | Apr 21, 2012
I've just finished putting together some zombies from Mantic for a commission and I felt that I really needed to post a review. The reason being that I was very impressed with them for a number of reasons! I'll be comparing them to the GW zombies because they are the...