Guild Ball Kraken Resin Model

.... and my thoughts on him complete with the history of my fascination with this model!Just a heads up, that for me it is the last day of the week before the family and I head out to Canada for 2 weeks! Yippie! So expect even more silence for a while, unless...

Painting Buddha Mega Sale!!!!

So Michael over at Painting Buddha has lost his marbles it seems, and has put up his extensive collection of models for sale! Including his well past OOP Rackham models!Process seems to be quite straightforward though for it.Go to the twitch live stream of Michael...

Boardgame Review: King of Tokyo

So here is a completely off kilter post from me today. And it will be a bit shorter as well.But after the last few conventions, and discussions with my son about gaming, I have begun to look at kid friendly games that he could be involved in.So enter King of Tokyo! No...

WIP Wednesday… GW Execution Force

Ok so over the weekend mistakes happened as Junior twisted my rubber arm to pick up the new GW Execution Force board game. With the new plastic Assassins and older chaos models within.I was a bit reluctant to pick it up thinking it was just the Assassins there, but...

Review Tuesday.. Megaton Armoured Syndicate Maria

While at Salute, and prior to Salute, I had seen these models and decided that they would be mine. Oh yes.. they will be mine....And I was able to snag a blister of them prior to the show opening up :)So this is Maria and Chico from the Cuervos Muertos gang in...