WIP Wednesday.. Portal Paint off Round 3 piece

Yup.. it is back! Although March/April was kinda quiet for the contest, it was mostly due to real life issues with the judges, and waiting for the results.Seems that I won the last round with top marks ( huzzah! ) and thus need to continue with round 3... which I have...

Review Tuesday.. Ax Faction!

I have a lot of pieces to put up here, but I want to start with Ax Faction. Why? Well.. because I got a photo of me standing in front of it with Paul. And having a nice little chat on how it is going with them, how the models are shaping up, and talking about the...

Post Salute Hangover in effect…

Salute 2015 is over, and what a ride it was this year!Huge difference right off the bat in that instead of being just a visitor, buyer, spectator admiring all the riches laid within, I got to be on the Trader list instead! Which meant that I got to skip that entire...

LvL Up – Bolt Action 1 day Tournament…

So last Saturday I headed down to the city of Bournemouth to play a 1 day tournament of Bolt Action. Some might remember the battle reports from last year where my Japanese took over the local gaming club in a sweep of fire and bloody hand to hand combat.I can...

Salute and Modelmates!

The above photo is a shot of the event from last year. More specifically, from the center stage area of Salute where the organizers were.Although I will be attending the event once more ( I mean.. come on.. why wouldn't I???? ).. but there will be a bit of a...