Review: Scale75 Sphynx

This week continues with the Scale75 75mm models from the Fallen Frontier range.Still liking the range here.I love how the boxart on this one came out, though I cannot say that I would or will be attempting a NMM styling on the model itself. I will try it with TMM...

Relics Demo game.. round 2?

Yay.. a battle report! It seems to have been ages since I have done one of these!This time it is another new game called Relics. Well.. new to me cause I haven't really played it much ever, nor really seen any of the models until one of the club mates brought it down...

Review: Scale75 Fink Draad

Over the holidays, there was a promotion on the Scale75 website where you could get 3 of the 75mm Fallen Frontier models for the price of 2. So it was an easy thing to pick up as a deal, and run with it.For this week's review I will focus on the Fink Draad model...

WIP – Andrea Daimyo 1750 Samurai

So here is the latest model that I have prepped. I should be working on the Dwarf Bust, but I am stuck with the beard at the moment, so had to swap topics for a bit.With a shift, I figured what better time than now to finalize the building up of my next painting class...

Portal Round 2 Entry Finished

So round 2 is finished, and we have submitted out Entries as of last Monday!This overtook me for the month of January. Almost all consuming. MOre so as my idea and plans for the entry grew and grew! But the end result is one that I quite enjoy, even if it is a bit...