Portal Entry round 2 continues.. slowly..

I posted about the starting of this project back on January 9th, and only now posting more about it! Yikes! Best correct that!The deadline for the project is fast approaching ( Monday at midnight is what we were last told! ). And as such, I think I took on far too...

Review Tuesday: Massive Voodoo Tutorials

The masters of disasters pictured above are the source of today's review. The boys who are bigger than life ( I mean look at them.. they are taller than that door there! ). Kinda creepy? Maybe... but let's continue all the same.But the review is not fully on those 2,...

Review: Swedish Artbook – Ur Varselklotet

This week's review is a bit different in that it is an artbook instead of a model. But since there was some nice comments about me showing what drives my inspiration on my current project, I though i would show it off a bit more.Oh and the back of the book with the...

WIP… Dwarf Bust

Game plan here is like many.. start with some sort of color as a base, in this case an orange brown color. Later on I will see that this was a poor choice.. but it is only paint and thus can always be painted over.Layered in some more colors with the airbrush. Again...

Portal Paint Off – Round 2!

ARE... YOU... READY!!!!!!So here we go for Round 2. New theme, rules, and set of hings to accomplish here!This round the title is "Stranger in a Strange Land". And this round is a Sci-Fi themed round. We have to build a base that fits into a Post Apocalyptic theme....