Mystery Relic Box giveaway…

So Tor Gaming is giving away 150 GBP worth of goodies over on their website. With many different ways to get some votes for it.Since I didn't really have anything planned for today, here is a push for this give away then!Just having a poke around there site has found...

Mutated Kim Jong-un Bust…

Or at the very least a Bloater from the video game Last of Us!I saw this on Facebook in December, and also saw that there was a pre-order for it from the artist, John Schuster in the USA. I thought it looked interesting and not your everyday bust that people paint up....

Review: Scottish Clansman Stirling Bridge, 1297

Ok... so yesterday I posted up the interview with Fernando Ruiz about his new company, FeR Miniatures. Thanks to all that commented on it, and to those on Facebook who shared or commented on it further! Great fun that was!With that in mind, I figured why not do a...

Interview with Fernando Ruiz!

Fernando Ruiz Ceano. A name I did not know prior to appearing at one of his workshops earlier this year in Blumberg. However I can say that since meeting the man behind the brush over that intense weekend workshop, I can say that he is quite the interesting guy. He...

2015.. Year of the Dwarf!

First off Happy New year here.. hope everyone has survived the festivities and is able to still read blogs :)As with every new year, people make new year resolutions. Some that they try to keep, some they know they never will, and others just don't give a damn.Well...