Star Wars X-Wing game board!

So as an early Christmas gift to my son, we picked up Star Wars X-wing on Amazon when it was on sale. Mostly cause he is starting to understand what Star Wars is from kids at school, and was interested in it when at the Reading Warfare show recently.And what father...
Fallen Frontier Berzerker painting…

Fallen Frontier Berzerker painting…

So I received this cool model from Elias over at Fallen Frontiers on the weekend. Showed it off in a mini review here on Tuesday. And have since begun to paint it up as quickly as I could.Goal was simple.. paint a nice table top + level model that would look good...
Portal Paint off! Round 1!

Portal Paint off! Round 1!

So Adam, the editor over at Portal Magazine, has set out to do an online painting competition. One where there is an on-going competition of artists that engage in a series of trials. With the weakest link being tossed from the group each month!Somehow I got roped...
Fallen Frontier model review!

Fallen Frontier model review!

So this is a pretty cool little surprise to show off here on the old blog! As I am trying to make Tuesdays into my Review days.. today I have a super cool review to show off!If you haven't noticed from the photo above, those are Berzerker models from the Fallen...
Great Scots! And a trip away…

Great Scots! And a trip away…

So Wednesday night I had some time to kill, and a desire to paint more Scotsmen!Here be the last of the original 6pt boxset for Saga all on their sockets with blutac, primed, and with the first color ( steel green? ) applied.My goal for them was to get them finished...