Workshop time once more…

Workshop time once more…

Yup.. another workshop to go to from that guy who travels to classes.. You would almost think that I would be getting sick of hearing others speak on how they paint, but honestly I am not!!!! Maybe a little bit with John, but then again he does know what he is talking...
SMC Review!!!

SMC Review!!!

Huge. Not quite Salute huge, but definitely the largest space I have seen for a convention to date! Which admittedly is not much since I have only gone to conventions starting this year. But still it was pretty massive here.With the entire hall taken up by multiple...
Behind you…

Behind you…

So I have been completely amped up with motivation to paint since coming back from the Scale Model Challenge that I have done little other than work on this piece! Including but not limited to neglecting this poor blog!!!  OK.. didn't help that we just finished...
Final day before SMC travels!

Final day before SMC travels!

So final day.. though with tonight being one with friends and family before the travels tomorrow, no painting tonight. Just some relaxing and fun before more fun and adventures throughout the weekend.Many are on their way now to Eindhoven for the show. My facebook...
Turkish Brekk before SMC..

Turkish Brekk before SMC..

So last night I got a bit of time to work on the Turkish Brekk here..Again pulling the main comments from the judges from Euro, and others over time. Plus tips from classes and styles that I have picked up over time as well.Biggest area that I cleaned up here is the...