Another night of prep for SMC…

On the second night towards the SMC competition and show I worked more on the Alien to tidy up the metal and rust sections.This time tackling it with the Modelmates rust pigments, and then some ink/washes to tone it down. This was mostly to tackle the over use of the...

Road to Scale Model Challenge..

So we are down to the last week before my next competition here.. Scale Model Challenge which is located in Eindhoven, Netherlands.Above is a quite shot of the layout for the models that I plan to bring. Though I decided late last night that the red brick one will not...
Little Girl’s Hero?

Little Girl’s Hero?

So a while back I finally got a bit of inspiration to start on a topic that I have been lambasting about for a while now. Something that I know I should do, but was waiting for a muse to touch me in order to get it moving forward.Seems I got smacked with it after the...
Painting Comp and Traders at Euro Militaire

Painting Comp and Traders at Euro Militaire

Ok .. now for the actual article concerning the competition aspect of Euro Militaire. The secondary reason for why we showed up to Folkstone ( the first being to meet and drink with other painters! ).As you can probably guess.. there were a ton of people.. and a ton...
Euro Militaire Roadtrip and Man Flu!

Euro Militaire Roadtrip and Man Flu!

Soooooo last week was a complete write off for me.. and most of it is due to that scary looking guy in the photo above.. no not me on the right, but the other scary looking guy to the left! And I thought this photo would be fitting considering that it is reflects most...