Post workshop visit of Augsburg

Post workshop visit of Augsburg

After the workshop had finished I was lucky to have a few extra vacations days available to hang with the Monkies of Massive Voodoo!And they were kind enough to take me, and Phil, out and about in Augsburg while the weather was good!So we headed off to the walled city...
Massive Voodoo Basing Class

Massive Voodoo Basing Class

So the workshop of basing your showcase pieces and making masterpieces the Voodoo way...As you can see in the photo above, all the talented artists gathered to learn from Massive Voodoo's basing guru, Roman "Jarhead" Lappat... Jarhead standing for the amount of jars...
MV Basing Class Teaser…

MV Basing Class Teaser…

After not being at work for over a week.. I come back to a lot of things to work on.. and trying to achieve them with a German holiday hangover... ugh..So here are a couple shots from the class to give you a taste of what it was like.. and hope to have more of a...
Alfonso "Banshee" Girades Workshop Review

Alfonso "Banshee" Girades Workshop Review

The weekend is over... I am back at home.. exhausted, motivated, confused, excited, and a whole bunch of other emotions that I can not put into words at the moment...The class, set at The Scythe and Teacup in Liverpool, was hosted by The Weekend Workshop man himself...
Roadtrip! Back to Liverpool!

Roadtrip! Back to Liverpool!

Must be a weekend coming up, as there is another painting related event happening!This time it is up in Liverpool for a The Weekend Workshop event hosted by John "Darkmessiah" Harrison. His guest painter this weekend is none other than Alfonso "Banshee" Giraldes.Not...