Caesar rises again!

Caesar rises again!

So I have done a bit of work on this "little" Ape Bust in between work and other commitments this week. I have also been posting up some WIPs of it on my Facebook page and it seems to becoming quite popular there with the hits and shares.With that in mind, I was...
Workshop – With Fernanado Ruiz!

Workshop – With Fernanado Ruiz!

Another weekend has passed.. and another workshop have been completed.. and another week begins where I am exhausted from all the learning, socializing, and painting! And this weekend was no different..Great people.. great paint.. great teaching.. great models.. great...
Caesar… Planet of the Apes!

Caesar… Planet of the Apes!

So while in Germany last week ( which was awesome! More to come soon! ), I received a nice little gift from my good friend from Greece, Giorgios! In this package was his "tiny" bust of an ape!I fell in love with this piece as soon as I saw it on his Facebook page, and...
Caesar… Planet of the Apes!

Caesar… Planet of the Apes!

So while in Germany last week ( which was awesome! More to come soon! ), I received a nice little gift from my good friend from Greece, Giorgios! In this package was his "tiny" bust of an ape!I fell in love with this piece as soon as I saw it on his Facebook page, and...
Blumberg, dieVincis, and Fernando Ruiz!

Blumberg, dieVincis, and Fernando Ruiz!

Yup, seems it has been a while since my last workshop that I have attended ( little over a month it seems actually! ) but this time I am off to Germany once more.Though to a new location to which I have not been already. The Headquarters of the dieVincis crew,...