Forged Hope basing… with Modelmates!

Forged Hope basing… with Modelmates!

With the holidays behind me ( or at least the family visiting ones ), I can get back to my contest entry for Forged Hope over at Massive Voodoo.Original idea here was to go with something of a lazy fisherbot. Sitting on the side of a old river, and trying his luck at...
Goblin Bust!

Goblin Bust!

Angry Goblin Bust from Greece!So the second piece from Giorgos, Greece arrived just before my holidays and family arrived. Was heart broken by that as it meant that I couldn't really tackle it until now! Heartbroken cause it is quite an involved piece here as you can...
5th-Dimension Painting Contest!

5th-Dimension Painting Contest!

Yes.. you guessed it.. 5th-Dimension is running their first Painting Competition! And since I am part of that group also, yours truly will be one of the judges!!!We even have cool medals! Custom made by our own John "Darkmassiah" himself! He will be posting up on how...
Blackness and Edinburgh Castle!

Blackness and Edinburgh Castle!

Day 2 ( or 3 if you count the drive up ) in Scotland saw us all head towards Edinburgh from Glasgow. But along the way, we stopped off in a small little village to have a look at one of the rural castles situated along the way.This one was called Blackness castle.....
Journey to Scotland! First stop.. Glasgow!

Journey to Scotland! First stop.. Glasgow!

Yes.. so last week my old man visited me here in Jolly old England.. and what was the first thing he wanted to do? Head to Scotland of course! What else!So the whole family piled into the car and we drove the 400 miles from South England to the Highlands! Google maps...