Massive Voodoo Private Lessons…

Massive Voodoo Private Lessons…

TGIF! And what a week it has been! I can honestly say that last week kicked my butt so hard that it took all of this week to recover and I am still working on it!This is why the review and recap of the workshop with Massive Voodoo has taken so long!So you have already...
The Duke of Bavaria!

The Duke of Bavaria!

The Duke of Bavaria.. or at least that is the English name. The German name I would write but it would come across as me screaming angrily at you.. so will skip that ( and the poor joke that few will get ;) ).This was my first real competition show where the models...
Vendors of Duke!

Vendors of Duke!

What would be a convention without vendors showing off the latest pieces, and trying to separate you from your monies!!! And Duke was no exception there for this, and separate me from my monies it did indeed!With the wide range of showcase related pieces here, right...
Jason Bust

Jason Bust

So prior to starting the Private Classes with Massive Voodoo crew I sat down to have a look at their trainee's first sculpt and give it a quick splash of paint.When I first saw this online a while ago, my first impressions of it was that it was quite close to the late...
Week in Germany… quick update!

Week in Germany… quick update!

So much happened last week.. to put it to the blog now would not do it proper justice!With that being said.. here are some of the highlights...Just extremely exhausted at the moment though from all the things that occurred! But all of it, plus the competition, and you...