Randoms Monday!

Randoms Monday!

Wow.. where does the time go.. last I knew it was still Friday afternoon, and now we are back to Monday! Argh! Hate when the weekend goes by so quickly!For me it was a whirlwind of activities, most of which were painting/gaming related.So first off there was more work...
Viking Bust Model Exchange

Viking Bust Model Exchange

Yeah, another project.... but this is a bit of a longer term one that I won't start right yet.Above you can see 2 models.. one from Figone that I am looking to paint up for fun at some point. And the other, the main topic here, from Roberto Chaudon. The piece that me...
Take me to Eden…. or not..

Take me to Eden…. or not..

Currently I am taking a small break from the Sci-Fi Alien bust, but only cause I am waiting on some colors to show up so that I can finish parts of it.So in the meantime I have worked on the water effects base, but also another sculpt that I started a while back and...
Water effects on bases and miniature transports…

Water effects on bases and miniature transports…

Nothing super exciting today. Last night was a pretty chill night for me, but one that I needed to work on a few "box" type projects for upcoming events and such.First was the base that I made way back in January at the basing workshop with Matt Cexwish.As there is...
Deep thoughts and splatter…

Deep thoughts and splatter…

As the morning rises, the Sci Fi bust contemplates his future colors... is more contrast required.. is the blue really blue or is the green needing more green... questions to be answered in time...While he/she/it contemplates this.. I thought I would show a quick...