Golem Painting Workshop

Golem Painting Workshop

So as stated on Friday.. I headed up to Manchester to join up with Tommie for his Fundamental's Painting class. Heck, you might even say that he put the Fun into Fundamental painting even.. Sorry.. said I wouldn't write that, but it was just too good to pass up :)It...
Liverpool and Manchester.. here I come!

Liverpool and Manchester.. here I come!

Yup it is time for this old man to get into his car and drive north for the weekend. Continuing on with The Year of the Travelling Brush!With a quick painting jam with Darkmassiah from the 5-th-dimension crew, and then a pop over to Golem studios on Saturday to learn...
Imperial Japan BA Infantry

Imperial Japan BA Infantry

So no sooner was the starter box at home, was I ripping it open to begin to put the model together!All I can say at the moment is that I am having fun with these guys! I can spot a few issues with mold lines on the fingers, so will go back and fix that somehow. But...
Bolt Action – Japanese!

Bolt Action – Japanese!

So while at Overlord, I got to see a demo game run by the good boys from Newbury and Reading Wargames club. Seeing the Germans vs the Americans being played out there. And some really nicely painted armies being played with as well!Like this weathered and beaten up...
Overlord – Abingdon Convention

Overlord – Abingdon Convention

Yeah.. I just wrote yesterday about a ton of events coming up, blah blah for me to attend. But at the last minute over the weekend I found out about this event that AGAIN was but an hour from my house!!! I am seriously liking being in the UK for all of these events...