Studio updates!

Studio updates!

While waiting for deliveries and the landlord to show up Saturday morning, I had a chance to do some cleaning up in the studio. I haven't taken any real shots of it since moving in here, and so I thought I might share where I do the painting.Main things I did with the...
Failed Ork Experiment..

Failed Ork Experiment..

So Wednesday night I was hitting a wall in inspiration to finish painting up the Thing Bust or work on my base. Maybe it was more laziness than inspiration maybe.. but whatever it was it was hard to pick up a brush.With that feeling, I decided instead to clean up the...
Competitions and painting…

Competitions and painting…

Ok.. so last year I spent a lot of time upping my game for painting and modelling.This year, I am trying to not just do better, but also see if I can get into a couple of competitions with my pieces!So this piece that I started over in Berlin will be entered into the...
Good Bye Scotsmen!

Good Bye Scotsmen!

Last 10 Scotsmen have left the table... finished them up over the weekend and am glad to move on. So much plaid.. I can't take it anymore!!!!!Real different set of guys here with a variety of weapons.I had a bit of fun painting them up, but am just glad to be done...
Family trip out to London..

Family trip out to London..

Well kinda, sorta off topic from the hobby, but something that we were up to last weekend.Having recently moved to England last December, we have not had the time to head to London yet. Which is to much surprise and shock to pretty much everyone that knows us. I...