Project UK: Airbrushing and Scotsmen..

Project UK: Airbrushing and Scotsmen..

COME AT ME BRO.. I DARE YAH!Ok, so not sure where that came from, but still... had some fun doing some mass airbrushing this week. Really trying to buckle down and get this Project UK comms finished. The biggest batch left of it is a batch of 63 scotsmen made from a...
Basing in Berlin.. with Matt Cexwish!

Basing in Berlin.. with Matt Cexwish!

This write up took a while for me to process here in order to make sense of what I learned, and how I felt of the workshop. Kinda ominous eh? Read on to know why....So to kick things off.. I spent the last weekend of January in Berlin to attend Matt Cexwish's basing...
Weekend projects..

Weekend projects..

A quick little post of what I got up to over the weekend..First off an Ork Fighter Jet.. not built as it was supposed to, but more as I would like to have had it! Added parts from the different versions to make it look cooler in my mind! Plus it needed more dakka on...
Joining the 5-th-dimension painting group!

Joining the 5-th-dimension painting group!

This is with great pleasure that I get to announce that I have been asked, and accepted to join, the 5-th-dimension crew! They even did a small interview with me to see what kind of painter or person I am!Check it out here on their blog!So what does this mean for this...
Package from Germany.. again!

Package from Germany.. again!

Another package from Germany arrived recently as well.. this time from around the Hamburg region.As you can tell from the snow effect, the artist has spent a bit of time in it while painting this as it came out quite nicely!What is cool, is that it came from Arne. A...