Mice and Mystics

Mice and Mystics

So this is a new one for my blog.. a boardgame unboxing! Over the holidays I ordered a few boardgames from Wayland Games due to their extra 5% discount, and free shipping ( which is good since most boardgames cost extra for shipping! ).Mostly I am doing this as I have...
The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey….

The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey….

Yay painted models! Like, actually finished, painted models! Ok, fine they are just gaming models for the table top.. and not that well done to be honest. But still.. first painted models for the year and honestly much needed atm.. With all the unpacking and trying to...
Scibor Zombie Bust + New Years Resolution

Scibor Zombie Bust + New Years Resolution

So I have posted this already up on my Facebook wall. Mostly cause it was a quick shot to get some feedback from the Painters group that I participate in on Facebook. Mostly members of Brushbrothers forums btw.. in case you haven't checked out that forum in a...
Happy New Year!!!! Year in Review…

Happy New Year!!!! Year in Review…

A toast to the year behind us, and a "hip hip" to the year ahead of us. And to say that 2013 was a busy year would be an understatement for me it seems.Although not the greatest year with regards to pure numbers of models painted ( I fell quite short this year with...
Wild Hunter… FINISHED?!?!?!

Wild Hunter… FINISHED?!?!?!

IT'S FINISHED?!??!?!!!!!Seriously this has been the longest I have ever spent on a model for painting time before, but it is also the first time I have really pushed myself to try to paint better. But this has been quite the journey for me.. starting back in...