Review.. Thursday? – Tiny Leads Japanese Sniper

Another Japanese bust, but this one brought forward in time a bit to be a little more modern. Moving from 1865 in the previous one, to the 1940s.I had a chance to see it at the Euro show, and have a quick chat with Antonio Piqui about it as well. It is a lovely bust,...

Euro review!

Alright.. so life is beginning to get back to normal for non-review posts.. sort of.. Figured it might be a good time to do a data dump of how Euro was this time around.I had attended it for the first time with Burak last year, and had great success. Both in...

Review Tuesday: Shinsengumi – From MJ Miniatures

Euro Militaire is over. A weekend has past since. And life is beginning to get back to normal ( aside from the weekend at UKGK.. to come later! ).And with life returning to normal, we can begin to get back to reviewing some of the goodies that I have picked up from...

Ridend vs Vaettir battle rep 2!

So game 2 from yesterdays post about my encounters of playing Relics with their new beta force Ridend.We can tell it was game 2 cause I made the international sign for the second game.. also for some reason I was asking for peace.. but the Vaettir were not having it!...

Ridend vs Vaettir Battle Report

So last night I got a chance to get in not 1, but 2 games of Relics down at the club.It was hoped that I would get destroyed or at the very least lose ;) Seems the Ridend had other plans as we worked on how they played out nicely.So the lists of the first game were...