BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 3..

BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 3..

Continuing on with yesterday's article.. we follow along with the rest of the face. Eyes, mouth, and then the leather bracelet.So the eyes were the next real section to tackle here though. Thankfully when we began to work on it, Raffa was just sitting down to do a...
BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 2..

BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 2..

And so we continue with the saga that is the Dwarf Slayer. And just like when I was painting it, it took forever to realize getting close to the end.. so I want to drag this series out a bit to help you feel my pain a bit more also :DBut that being said, the story...
BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 1..

BAM… and then SUPER BAM! Part 1..

Yeah.. this picture rightly sums up my thoughts of the, what I will now call, SUPER BAM class that I got to take part of last weekend. I call it SUPER BAM because I had already been to the BAM workshop the weekend before, but now due to improvements made by the...
BAM.. the beginning..

BAM.. the beginning..

How fitting this photo is to describe the workshop. Kitting yourself up to do battle against an unknown foe.. not knowing if the bastard sword or the heavy clubs will be what you need when the time was right.Thankfully... Massive Voodoo came with more weapons than one...
Modelleisenbahn Wunderland – Hamburg

Modelleisenbahn Wunderland – Hamburg

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy there fellow bloggers and lurkers in the shadows... I bet you all thought that today's post would be about the BAM Workshops with Massive Voodoo! Sorry to disappoint but no such luck. My brain and body are fried after such an experience that I...