Alice Tutorial.. Part 1: Basing

Alice Tutorial.. Part 1: Basing

Or at least as much as I can muster considering I did not take that many WIP shots throughout the project.Main reason for that is that I am still working on my skills for showcase painting, and thus most of the things I am doing these days are a first for me :) So a...
Sedition Wars batch 2 arrives!

Sedition Wars batch 2 arrives!

Yay! What a week.. first my Kickstart from Reaper Bones shows up, and now the second batch from Sedition wars shows up! What is really awesome is that it also got through customs with no fuss, and this time with no fee! Super happy Mr Lee here!Of course since I have...
First looks at painting Reaper Bones!

First looks at painting Reaper Bones!

Ok, so not as much completed over the weekend in the painting department as I would have liked.I blame this partially on the poor weather, and the chores that needed to get done, but also on the new PS3 FFXIV game that finally came to Turkey. After picking it up on...
More shots of Bones, and the winners list!

More shots of Bones, and the winners list!

OK, so the emails are trickling in, or I am getting PM'd on other forums, concerning the prizes and mailing addresses here.So far the list looks like...Anne - Dwarf LordParadox0n - Moscal Boyar LordTuffskull - Infinity ModeratorTom - waiting on...
Figure Transport – DIY idea

Figure Transport – DIY idea

OK, so last Friday I wrote about the fact that I am heading to Germany again. Great stuff! However, whenever I travel there, I always have the issue of how do I get my models, and my better pieces there with minimal or no breakage. Especially since I am flying, and to...