Alice in a Steampunk Wonderland..

Alice in a Steampunk Wonderland..

Well the repairs are done.. the paint has dried.. and Alice now sits behind an inch of plexiglass on a shelf made for showcase models. Too bad she is alone among the riff raff that sits there currently.I really had a lot of fun with this model, and played around with...
Random Scibor Goblin ready for trouble..

Random Scibor Goblin ready for trouble..

Ok, so while working on the final pieces of Alice I was informed of a quick little contest over at Brushbrothers forum ( I mention them enough or what? Great Forums kind of do that to you I guess! ).So originally this was going to be my entry, however then I read the...
Let’s give away some prizes!

Let’s give away some prizes!

Yes, finally, it is here! All the pre-post articles lead us to this moment.. this one moment when all will be revealed on how you can win that glorious thing called loot!A HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped me get to this point. As you can see in the photo...
Alice… accident and almost finished..

Alice… accident and almost finished..

So the contest prizes posts are finished ( for now ).. so back to some normal posts.. Ok, so we came home from work ( or the dentist in my case ) and saw this on the floor near my desk. :(I can honestly say that I was more than a little upset and sad to see...
100k Contest.. Prize 5?????

100k Contest.. Prize 5?????

Last prize for the pool at this time..This is actually a recent purchase from my trip to Germany. Picked up at the infamous Battlefield Berlin shop.It is one of the Dystopian Wars Infantry Medics for the Rising Sun faction.I saw the box that it came in, and instantly...