100k Contest.. Prize 4????

100k Contest.. Prize 4????

What? MOAR? Mmmm Ok then..Moar Scibor here, as I really like the sculpts. Not everyone does, due to the way in which Scibor makes his models ( press molding ) and how much he charges.. but again this was picked up from Troll Trader, and was to be used in my CD...
100k Contest.. Prize 3???

100k Contest.. Prize 3???

Today's prize is from Scibor. Love them or hate them, but this guy knows how to sculpt dwarves. Or dwarfs. Depending on which side of the nerd rage coin you fall there.This is from his Moscal range, and is the Boyar Chief.The thing with this model is that I wanted to...
100k Contest.. Prize 2??

100k Contest.. Prize 2??

Switching from Historicals to now Sci-Fi!This time with a model from Infinty's Nomad range. A line trooper Moderator. Ready to be an action token in a game nearest you!Or a nice little piece to paint up and share with others as the details on these guys are just...
100k Contest .. prize 1?

100k Contest .. prize 1?

So as stated on last night's post, I will be doing a 100k contest to celebrate this little blog of mine hitting 100k!Once home, I had a rummage through my trove of models to see what I could share with the community.Knowing that there is quite the diverse group of...

100,000k hits!

Holy views batman! Really? It was only a while back that I was still stuck in the 80k hits, and then the GD content came out and BAM! Everyone showed up for the party at Mr Lee's!So I said before that I would do a contest when I hit 100k views, and I plan to do just...