Say hello to my little friend..

So this is just a quick post on Alice's companion in the world of wonderland. Quick shots of Mr Rabbit from the workbench. I think he is coming along nicely.. don't you?I am hopeful to finish Alice, her base, and the Rabbit by end of the week. Let's see if I can do it!

WHFB Tournament – Istanbul, Karargah club

So over the weekend, some buddies of mine convinced me to go to a local tournament.I have been avoiding the tournament scene in Turkey for a while now due to some "bad" experiences in the past. Plus the fact that I have not been playing all that much this year.In...

Free stuff?!?!

Who likes free stuff? Of course you all like free stuff.. who wouldn't!Well my good blogger buddy, Laughing Ferret, is giving away some stuff. Why? Who cares it is free stuff right?Wrong!We care cause this time it is due to him breaking a big milestone on his blog....

More Alice WIP..

Alice work continues through the hailstorm of GD Germany posts.. thankfully those are over right? :)Working hard on smoothing out the blending on Alice now. She is coming along nicely, and I am thinking she is getting close to finished.Things to fix are the lens,...

GD Winners – Lots of Photos!

Judge Raffa.. thinking "Meh, I have more at home."Ok so this took a lot longer than I expected, but at the same time I am glad I held out on posting this all! Because, due to my procrastination wanting to be perfect here.. I was able to snag better photos of some...