Review Tuesday – Tor Gaming Ridend from Relics

Been a while since I have done a review, but this is a small army project that I have been hooked into for a while. And have also been swayed by the cool idea of Bird Knights!The history of the Ridend is almost like old English Knights and such. And apparently in the...

Handsome Jack gets some painting!

So with the busts firmly in hand at the moment I have had a chance to dive into painting one up.Really trying to let the model speak to me more than push a color scheme, and it is sorta working at the moment.At one point it was looking a little undeadish.. so expect...

Guild Ball team updates

Guild Ball!I have posted about these pieces for a while, but they have lavish unattended in my shelf of despair for well over a year now ( had to have, as I had picked up the original set back at FigureWorld 2014 ).And since then I have picked up 3 more full teams to...

Brom the Dwarf bust..

So the weekend before last I had the chance to hang out with my good friend Peter over in Reutlingin, near Stuttgart Germany for a weekend of painting and beers..A much needed weekend for the both of us as things have been quite busy and hectic, and this was a nice...

Review Tuesday: Journey Kickstarter from Marrow Productions!

After a bit of a wait, as one does with Kickstarters, we see Journey land this week! Actually it landed last night, and I immediately took off to pick it up from a collection point ( since it was being delivered with a signature required.. and I was unable to be home...