Golden Demon Germany Miniatures showcase!

It has been a week since the event took place. The internet is abuzz with pictures, and blogs talking and discussing the event. Many who did not show up are regretting it. Those that did are discussing their feelings of different aspects of the event.So this is a bit...

GD Entry – LoTR Hobbit Goblin

So this was a funny entry. You have seen my Duel entry that I started the week before the competition. I spent a lot of time thinking on it, planning it with others online, and then painting and putting it together.This however was the exact opposite, and is thus...

GD Germany – Duel Entry

So I posted last week that I was going to enter something into this years Germany GD, and gosh darnit I did!What started out as an insane idea from Arne over at Brushbrothers, turned into a full on mini project. Complete with pitfalls, wrong information, and...

Games Day Germany!

So I am finally back from Games Day Germany. Wow what a trip! 6 days in Germany painting, chatting about painting, looking at fantastically painted miniatures, and drinking beer. Need I say more?... No, but I will anyways :)To kick things off.. let's start at the end...