MS-06S Zaku II Master Grade kit

Halt! In the name of Zeon... if you do not halt.. well.. um.. erm.. I dunno...So this is a Gundam kit that I picked up while in Japan a few weeks back. It was actually quite funny that I walked all around Akihabara and didn't see any of these kits for a decent price....

Dark Angels Belial Model finished

So after many weeks, and me having very low motivation to finish this guy, I finally set aside time to get him done.There are parts I am not 100% satisfied with, but at this point I feel that if I spend any more time on him now he will just begin to rot away and...

WIP Shots.. whats on the desk now..

So it has been a busy week with a couple of things to catch up with since returning from my trip. With that in mind, I wanted to show what was on the table currently.2 of the pieces are for online competitions with Brushbrothers forums that need to get completed...

Massive Voodoo Artbook Review

Ok so I received this a while back, and am very very happy with the end result here! As you can see, I picked up the Monkey Circus Trainer perk which gave me 2 of the books and 2 of all the extras also! Why 2? Why not is my reply ;)So yeah, I have them now. How are...


Welcome to Japan! What a trip last week! After doing 3 yrs of Japanese in High School, I have always wanted to go to Japan since! So it was exciting that when my day job said I needed to go there last week for a conference, I was already packed and out the door before...