Cabin Boy

So I have had little to no motivation as of late for painting. No idea why..But, that does not really stop me from ordering more models of course.. and this was one of those recent purchases. A Cabin Boy from the Ron and Bones collection. And I figured he would be a...

WIP Wednesday: Brekk Bust from Forged Monkey

So I have been working on this model for a while now. It is slow going so far, but the main colors have been laid down. This is in prep for me heading to Germany in September for the Massive Voodoo BAM workshops where I will get to paint this bust again! I am using...

Mini TableTop painting workshop @ Mr Lees!

Well right about now I am either sitting on a plane or landed in Japan! Whoo hoo! Too bad it is for work and not play though :(That being said, over the weekend there was plenty of play, in the form of painting! I had the opportunity to take over the house and host a...

Guest Tutorial: Necrons?

Ok, let's start Monday off with a bang shall we?Here is a tutorial on how to paint up some quick Table Top worthy Necrons in a quick and easy manner. And when I say quick, I mean doing a batch of 11 in 80 minutes. And for the mathematically challenged out there, that...

LeBen Knightmare Review

So a while ago I was trolling some forums, blogs, facebook and Putty&Paint. And everywhere I was going I kept seeing this damn model! I mean it is everywhere at the moment! So much in fact that there is a Facebook group called Knightmare Challenge where...