Guest Post: Sons of Medusa Army Shot

And this is just a quick post to show off what a few weeks ( has it even been that long really? ) can do when your a student and have ample time to paint.What is funny is that this is not the full army really. This is just the tactical squads, and 2 transports. It is...

Guest Post: Sons of Medusa Land Raider

Vroom vroom.. here come a heavy hitter for the army in so far as transports go. Again an impressive vehicle painted up for this chapter, and in crusader format.Nathelis has not given me any information as to who will sit in the first of 3 Land Raiders, but I can be...

WIP Wednesday: Display Sockets

So with some of the projects I have been working on lately, I was needing to come up with some sort of base to put them on.Well since they are more for display than for gaming, I figured I should build up some nice display sockets for them to sit on!Here are 2 that I...

Guest post: Sons of Medusa Rhino

This is one of the 6 Rhinos that he will be sporting in his Chapter force. I know that he is pretty insane with his ability to paint quickly, but this is pretty good quality for 3 hrs worth of work! I know that it can be taking  a while just to do chipping, or...

Guest Post: More Sons of Medusa Tactical Marines

Reinforcements have arrived for the Sons of Medusa in Austria! More green marine goodness from Nathelis over at Miniature Fairy Tales.Seems he was quite busy working on this chapter force over the weekend, and was churning out models left, right and center! Wish I...