Review Tuesday – Tiny Leads Samurai!

So just before holidays I received this great new product from Tiny Leads! Their 19th Century Samurai in 75mm scale.Right off the bat, we can see that this is a quality product. I mean.. high class here. Proper shoebox styled box, but of high grade material.Right away...

Naming Contest short list!

So the names have been shortlisted, and we now have 5 names that we could agree on. It took quite a while ( in relation to the list ) to shortlist this many, and a few changes made to each others list to come to an agreement.In the end.. these are the choices we have...

Wasteland Warrior Naming contest entries…

So it has been a bit over 2 weeks since we announced the naming contest.. and I have to thank everyone for their submissions!Below is the list of everyone's submissions and who submitted them. Over the weekend, Arlen and I will go through and try to find the top 5...

Ax Faction Cowgirl

So at the figureworld show prior to my holidays ( which were bloody hot! ) I picked up the soon to be put into general release Cowgirl from Ax Faction.From Salute cause my phone died at Figureworld for photos... I have met Paul at a few shows over the years, but...

Bolt Action Terrain from 4Ground!

Had a club mate pop round last night, and with him came a box full of burnt wood that weighed a ton ( at least that is what he said the delivery guy said :) ).Thought I should post some normal stuff today compared to just spamming about the Wasteland Warrior Bust...