Weekend Efforts..

So I can honestly say that I have been in a painting slump for quite a while now. I can give the excuses of family, work, sickness, etc.. but really it has just been super busy with some up coming projects that are taking a lot of my creative juices to get off the...

Guild Ball – Butchers Brisket

So Guild Ball is doing a tremendous job in the community as of late. It is really hard to look on Facebook without seeing a competition or tournament or painted models popping up all over UK! Which is fantastic to see!I was lucky enough to receive a few models back...

Relic reinforcements…

So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from painting in general. It is one of those slumps that hits you and doesn't want to let go of its grip regardless of what you say to them! I have started a few projects of late, but none of them are really making the progress that...

1/300 scale fighter plane…

Depending on what resolution you are looking at the photo, there is a good chance the plane you see here is larger than it appears in real life! Damn this was a tiny plane!!!!Why the switch from large pieces like the Tooth Fairy, to something this small though? Good...

Review Tuesday: Tooth Fairy bust from BorkenToad

Wow where has time gone? Seems like it has been forever since I have had time on the blog to write something.. and honestly.. it has been!Holidays were a great way to recovery some much needed energy, and I am coming back to the painting table with renewed energies!...