by Mad Mark | Aug 24, 2015
In a little over a week we'll be trekking from New England to the DC area for the 2015 Nova Open. I won't be playing in any events, except possibly some Age Of Sigmar games, but I'll trying to bring my A-game (or at least my B-game) to this years...
by Mad Mark | Jun 29, 2015
Ever since forgeworld released their Legion Praetor set a while back, I've had my eye on it. A few months ago I finally picked the kit up with the intention of making the power armored Praetor a foot Chapter Master, and the terminator armored Praetor a kitted out...
by Mad Mark | Jun 16, 2015
It's been a while since I had any progress towards my Iron Hands force, but I'm happy to say I've finally started picking up momentum again. Following the release of the new space marines codex, I decided to celebrate by completing my Centurion Devestators. I had...
by Mad Mark | Jan 5, 2015
After a little bit of a painting break during the holiday season I hit the ground running this new year and I'm happy to say I've finally got my first set of tactical marines painted. I bought them when the new Space Marine codex was initially released about a year...
by Mad Mark | Nov 16, 2014
Our local gaming group has been playing a lot of apocalypse lately, and in preparation for our upcoming 12,000 point game, the biggest we've tried yet, I decided to build a special terrain piece.It's obviously inspired by the fortress in the Apocalypse supplement...