Dreamforge Leviathan painting – part 1

Dreamforge Leviathan painting – part 1

I got in on the kickstarter a while back and have had this sucker sitting around unpainted for ages. With the release of GW's Escalation I've been lucky enough to put my Leviathan on the table as a Warhound Titan, and now I've got the Apocalypse bug to boot so I...
Grey Knight Strike Squads WIP (almost done!)

Grey Knight Strike Squads WIP (almost done!)

I've been using these two squads of Strike marines in nearly every game of 40k I've played since the 5th edition GK codex was released and they became my primary army. That was almost 4 years ago and I've made such a pitiful amount of progress on this army in that...
Mysterious Lakes for 40k

Mysterious Lakes for 40k

During our Escalation/Stronghold Assault mega game a few weeks back I had the opportunity to play on some of Gale Force 9's Battlefield in a Box Ponds, and realized I had nothing in my own terrain collection that would allow me to bring mysterious water effects from...
Citadel Woods ready for the Battle Field

Citadel Woods ready for the Battle Field

After being so productive, and completing the Arcane Ruins I posted about a few days ago, I decided to keep true to my word and get the Citadel wood completed. This was in base-coated in the same manner as the arcane ruins, a earth colored brown Krylon spray paint...
The Arcane Ruins are ready for the battlefield

The Arcane Ruins are ready for the battlefield

I've Had the Games Workshop Arcane Ruins model kit sitting around with a brown base-coat for literally years, so today I decided to check it off the to-do list. Here are a few shot's of the finished product with a nearly completed GK Strike Marine for contrast. All...