by Mad Mark | Oct 25, 2013
When I was at the NOVA Open recently I did a fair amount shopping in the vendor hall. One of the cool purchases I made was a defensive bunker from Tectonic Studios. It caught my eye because it looked similar to some other GW terrain pieces but lacked the overabundance...
by Mad Mark | Oct 24, 2013
I played a game over the weekend during which my Stormraven performed admirably so I decided it deserved to get its paint job finished up. I probably have few more evenings of work by its getting real close.
by Mad Mark | Oct 3, 2013
I've got the first 3 of my new space marines pretty much done. I have another 17 built so I need to keep painting but I've got my method down to the point where I can pretty much paint one whole guy a night (that's really fast for me).I have a contemptor dreadnought,...
by Mad Mark | Sep 25, 2013
Here's a few shots of the incomplete paint scheme for the Iron Hands allied force I'm working on. I'm trying to keep it simple since I have exactly 0 fully painted armies and I'd like this to be number 1.
by Mad Mark | Jul 7, 2013
Here are a few in-progress shots of the Tau Cadre Fireblade I plan to have him leading my upcoming Tau allied force. In terms of rules he's probably not as good as an Ethereal, but I've always loved the Firewarrior models and I think it'll be cool to have my small...