Help some heros win an army

Help some heros win an army

There is currently a raffle going on over the pond to win an amazing Salamanders army.  So really why not buy a ticket, help some folks out, win the best marine army around.
New Codex Hurray!

New Codex Hurray!

So my digital codex finally downloaded early hours of the morning Saturday. I had gotten excited as it technically became available around 9pm CST on Friday night but technical difficulties with the iTunes store prevented it from downloading. This was probably for the...

Project Management for Gamers

So recently there has been a small band wagon among my gamer friends to start a project board for our gaming projects.  It was started by a great pod cast that outlined how to use standard project management techniques, to wow actually manage our gaming...

I get buy with a little help from my friends!

Heir CommissarSo for Christmas of 2012 I received a ton of Allies.  Mainly because I didn't update my wishlists and my wife wanted to do something she normally doesn't do.  Buy me toys, as we call it.  I was so amazed and excited by the fact regardless...

Pimp my ride

Yo Yo Yo welcome to another edition of Pimp My Ride!  Today we've got a special treat for you, Space Marine Air Support.Not just any air-support mind you, we got ourselves a dusty old Dark Angels Dark Talon, and pimped it out to make one bitch'n Salamanders Storm...