Air Salamander

Flying boxcar of doom!!!!So its been awhile since I've updated. Honestly I've been cheating on my Salamanders with the Tau.I'm sure they will be best buddies when I get them on the table together, at least that's what the main rule book tells me. I did decide though...

Must paint or the Eldar clowns will eat me.

I've been very bad about painting.  Add to this to project ADD, and I have a ton of half started projects on my painting table.  I was recently given a new airbrush station and compressor kit so it seemed like the perfect time to get things straitened...

Well Great

I really really really didn't need a new project, I still have to finish the little bird, and build the big one.  Now they taunt me with this!Predator Infernus

Little Bird

Update on the Storm Talon project.  Once I got it started it went together pretty well.  I've locked the wings in place and will be mirroring the inside of the canopy.  The weapon pods are magnetized for LC and the two missile types.  So there she...

Ya I’m weak

So it was on sale! Like really really on sale. At the least it will make a great escort for the Storm Eagle Little Bird