Deadzone WiPs

Well its the first post of the new year, things are beginning to settle back down to normality now as the mad rush at work is gone. And I have time to actually spend on hobby stuff again.I have a few Deadzone bits to show today, most notably my first finished Asterian...

Belated Seasons Greatings

Afternoon guys,Been a fair while since I last updated, to finish off what has been an already shite year I lost my Nan towards the end of November.I haven't been much in the mood or mindset for the hobby since then combine that with the joy of working in retail at...
We Come in peace

We Come in peace

Afternoon guys,Its been quiet in here the past Month, I haven't been up to much hobbywise in that time short of trying to get some Tau bits done in time for the Meet up(which happened last week)Speaking of the meet up a great time was had by all, highlights...
Couple of WiPs

Couple of WiPs

Well its that time of week again.I haven't been up to too much hobby wise this week. been trying to finish off a few paint in progress infinity models which hopefully should feature on here next week.I have a couple of WiPs to show though, first up is Hasslefrees...
Infinity: Crusader Brethren

Infinity: Crusader Brethren

Good evening Guys,Time for the normal weekly update, as ever it is another Infinity themed one.I have been plodding along with my first crusader brethren, this one is armed with a HMG I also have one armed with a combi rifle in my painting queue. Bar a few finishing...