Review: Antenocitis Workshop Infinity Vehicle set

Review: Antenocitis Workshop Infinity Vehicle set

Evening guys,This is a bit of a first for me, that is writing a review(well more my thoughts). Today I received an order I placed from Antenocitis workshop, that being their newly released futuristic cars for use with infinity.I opted for the "Town" vehicle set and...
Infinity: knights #3

Infinity: knights #3

Evening Guys,This update is a day later than normal so my apologies.This update sees my return to infinity after a break to work on deadzone. I'm Plodding away slowly on my PanO stuff. Below are some WiPs:First up my near finished magister knight, he just needs a bit...
Entering the Deadzone

Entering the Deadzone

Afternoon guys and girls,A normal weekly update for you here. This time some pictures of my much threatened WiP Deadzone strike forces.I've had a starter set of Enforcers and various other deadzone bits such as Terrain and a gaming mat knocking around for a while now....
Pre-emptive dungeon crawling

Pre-emptive dungeon crawling

Afternoon guys and girls,Something resembling normality is beginning to settle now in the real world so I've had some time to do a little hobbying.Given my focus on painting and terrain of late(some stuff will appear in a future update) I have decided to do a little...
A Catch up post

A Catch up post

So I've been quiet the past few weeks,This is for a variety of reasons, being away the past 2 weekends being one and more recently my nan passing away. Thus I havent really been up to much, I do however have some pictures I took at the last meet up of Me, Rictus and...