The Cult is Alive

The Cult is Alive

7 Months.................that is a long time. I'm blowing the dust off my little corner of the internet. I have had a lot on my plate in real life of late and documenting the bit of work I have been doing dropped to the bottom of the list of priorities. Things however...
Changing direction

Changing direction

Good evening guys and girls,I return to my neglected corner of the net after yet another long absence. I have been busy but also have struggled to actually get enough finished to be worthy of a post.Fast forward to last weekend and I went to my normal meet up with...

Forgefiend #1

Morning guys and girls,Been a while since I have posted this is due to the good folks at BT leaving me without internet for a week........ I have 3G on my phone but its barely reliable.Having no internet however has been good as it has left me without any major...

Blog facelift

Evening guys and girls,I've given the blog a bit of an overhall and facelift, been a while since I last updated it and I fancied a change from all the black and red. Plus my skills at making banners and the like have progressed a fair bit since my previous ones.I've...

Weekly Ramblings #9 – Inspiring blogs and logs

Evening Guys and girls,Small update well text heavy update. Its been too hot and humid to really sit down and focus on hobbying for the past week, I think all I have achieved in 3 days off is to saw up a few more chosen so they are ready to be turned into plague...