Evening guys and girls,The blog has hit a big milestone in the past few days, that is that I now have 100 followers this is something of an honour to me as when I first set this up I never for a second would have thought that so many people would be interested in my...

Inq28: WiP Bounty Hunter

Evening guys and Girls,As threatened the onter day here is another update, 2 in one week I spoil you dont I haha :PHere is the Bounty Hunter I have been working on for INQ28:He is an exercise in random inspiration hitting me and then me actually having the motivation...

Weekly Ramblings #4

Evening Guys and girls,Week or is it 2 later than normal? bah it doesn't matter as to be totally honest I have barely done any work hobby wise due to work and then having a nice weekend away with the GF.Anyway I'm back to rambling on about hobby stuff. This time...

Weekly Update #3 – The Dead Gods return

Well its that time again, I'm actually surprised that I've kept this up for 3 weeks now hahaSo I'm finally back onto normal hours at work, meaning I get my life back and with that a bit of time for hobbying. The necron lord still isn't quite finished but given I want...

Weekly Ramblings #2

Good evening readers,Time for another of my new weekly posts :) , been kept rather busy with work the past week so haven't had much energy for a lot of hobbying. However a new distraction has landed..............The first of my planned 500pt Necron force has arrived...