Weekly Ramblings 1#

Evening readers time for what I hope will be a regular feature.That being a weekly post something I have stolen off that despicable Mr Feral. So to start it off this week here are some WiP corsair terminators:These guys are converted from the plastic dark vengeance...

Stirring from slumber

Good evening guys and girls,I'm back again, 2 months since my last post............I do have a valid excuse this time however, I've been working 6 day weeks for the past 7 weeks with another 2 and a half to go before I return to normal hours this has left me with very...

More Strain Conversion WiPs

Evening readers,Its quick update time again, been plugging away at the sculpt work on 3 Strain over the past few evenings and have some WiP pics to show:This guy is the one from my previous update, I'm calling him finished and will be painting him soon.This one is the...

Does this look infected

Afternoon readers update time again.Been working on 2 test models to try out some skin  tones for the Strain:This one is meant to be a more freshly mutated example so has a slighlty more aliveish skin tone, the pictures have kinda washed out the skin, he looks a...

WiP: White Scar commander Part 2

Evening readers,Another quick update time of day, I figured seen as I want to post on here more often I might as well do more WiP posts charting progress on the bits I'm working on. So here is how the White Scars Praetor is shaping up:Most recent bit of work I have...