WiP white scar and ramblings

Afternoon readers, its been a few weeks since my last update and I must say I haven't really managed to accomplish much on the hobby front :| I personally blame work, Borderlands 2 and me much prefering to read to actually siting and hobbying of late.However to...

Happy new year

Happy new year guys, hope you all had a good christmas too! My holiday period has been rather busy given I've only had Christmas day and now today off work which has sucked tbh.I'm still working on my new years resolutions however I think my hobby ones will largely...

Red Corsair Sorcerer and the Great Heresy looms

Good evening readers,Update time, been kept usy with work and christmas preparations of late which have served as a good break from hobbying for a while. However now Im back, and I bring 2 things in the update:First up Corsair sorcerer now with paint:I need to sort...

Red Corsairs: Finished Sorcerer Conversion

Evening guys,Quick update time, I've finally finished off the last bits of GS work on the sorcerer and got some better pics of him:Really happy with this guy, hes turned out pretty much as I pictured him all those months ago when the images of the DV libby first...

Bases and more bases

Evening readers irregular update time :-PI return home from work today to find a parcel awaiting from none other than that scoundrel Rictus, it contained the first casts he made of the bases I sculpted to use with warhammer quest. So I've quickly glued a few of the...