WiP: Corsair Sorcerer Conversion

Good afternoon guys,Its update time again :-) , after a month or so off from working on the Red Corsairs Im back to preparing the next batch for painting. this being the slowest part the conversion work.Now the next batch of stuff I will be preparing is an additional...

Warhammer Quest stuff on the desk

Evening guys,Quick update time. Thought I would share some of the Warhammer Quest bits I have started to work on:First up a Dark Elf sorceress:This is 1 of the Avatars of War models that I picked up when we visited Maelstrom Games/eye of the storm a few weeks back. it...

Red Corsairs at 500pts

Yes its me, I'm back again after yet another long absence.It has taken me a while to work my way back round to the blog and well posting in general, I went through a point of wondering if it was worth posting and documenting my work on the net at all. But alas for now...

And 2 months later I’m back, and I bring more Red Corsairs

Well 2 months since my last post, I really need to get back into the habit of posting on my oft leglected corner of cyber space.The corsairs are progressing at a rather steady pace, and as shocking as it sounds as I type I have nearly finished painting the 6th member...

Yet more WIP Red Corsairs

Evening readers,Small update time again, slowly chugging away on the corsairs. Here are the next 2 in their WiP stage:Idea for these Pair are that they will be sword brothers formerly of the Swords of Surthur chapter(Home brew but I had to get some viking themed stuff...