I’m Still Alive

Well 2 months since my last post on here and in that time a lot has changed the biggest change being me finding full time employment at last. With this development modelling time has been severely limited as I have been settling into the job.A few weeks back however I...

Zombie and FoW SS HQ

Afternoon readers, time for another update and fairly quickly after the last one too, shocking ;)Managed to get my first Studio Miniatures zombie painted up over the past few days, really enjoyed it such a change from same old GW models and I've been able to add some...

FoW SS: Das Reich StuGs and Panzer Grenadiers

Evening readers, been a while since my last post  and I apologise again however I haven't been idle :)I've begun to update my SS army, main work being rebasing the infantry stands as well as tidying up the paint schemes. The Tanks have received more attention as...

INQ28mm Paint in progress Heretek

Evening readers, time for another update and within a reasonable timescale since the last one hahaI have still got some hobbying mojo going and have been drawn back to a project I started about septemeberish last year, and that is INQ28mm.I have decided to finally get...

First finished model of 2012

Morning readers hope you all had a good New Year and Christmas Period :-) its time for my first update of 2012:As most of you know my mojo and interest for the hobby is pretty much gone and this year shall likely be incredibly slow model wise. However the past few...