Parting shot for 2011

Well another year is pretty much out and we are ready to welcome in another or if you are of a certain belief the end of the world............whats this apocalypse attempt number 6? hahaI've been rather active on this blog over the past year and have increasingly...

Tale of Painters Blog Network and Marine Captain update

Evening guys,Thought I would put up a quick post just to promote a Blogging group that Stahly kindly invited me to join.The blogging group in question is the "Tale of Painters Blog network", a rather cool site set up by Stahly with contributions from Sigur and Garfy...

I’m back

Been a month or 2 since my last post, been having a break from hobbying for most of that period only occasionally working on the odd thing.Largely been distracted with Xbox Games mainly Arkham City and Battlefield 3. But I've also gotten back into reading and have...

Malifaux: Rasputina

Evening readers, been a while since the last update.........2 weeks, I'm slacking.Interest in models lately has vanished, I've been struggling to find the energy and inspiration to actually do much. Instead I've been reading a lot having burnt through 3 books and a...

Malifaux: Ice Golem

Afternoon readers, tis update timeDespite  being struck down with what I have dubbed "Nerd Flu" which I think I picked up from Gamesday (seen as out of the 4 guys I was with on the day 3 of them have also been ill :( ) I have been painting and have managed to get...