Skaven: WiP Converted plague monks

Evening guys and girls,Actually getting an update out on time this week, shocking isn't it.I'm still quite "in the zone" sculpting wise of late so this update is again quite GS heavy. I have been converting a set of Skaven clanrats into plague monks for what was...

Dungeon Saga: Converted Liche King

Afternoon guys and girls,I've been kept busy in real life again so haven't had too much to show hobby wise. Today will hopefully change that as I have a real labour of love to show and even some process pics.A while ago now Nife suggested that it may make an...

5 years of blogging

 Evening guys and girls,I have been quiet of late, again due to having a lot going on in real life. Including a week in Scotland for the wedding of 2 very good friends of mine.In that time a milestone for this blog has passed. My little corner of the internet has...

Stormcast Eternal

Evening guys and girls, apologies for my absence the past weeks had a few things on my plate in real life.So today sees me entering rocky territory, never in all my years in this hobby have I seen the level of sheer hatred and venom online that the Age of Sigmar...

Mars Attacks: Martian Grunts

Evening guys,Normal update time, must admit that again this week I haven't actually got too much done. With the weather being nicer its not really the time to stay indoors painting haha.I have however managed  to finish off 10 martian grunts, this takes me to 15...