Infinity Hsien WiP

Afternoon guys and girls,Its update time again, and as normal for me I've got distracted from painting the celestial guard and Knight of Santiago. Instead I've been working on a Hsien:I started this guy to see how the colour scheme would work on a heavy Infantry...

Infinity WiPs

Afternoon guys and girls,Its update time again. This week I have rotated back around to working on infinity, its actually the first time I've properly st down and worked on some infinity bits for a good few months.I have 2 models to show though they are both still...

Mars Attacks – Martian Marines

Afternoon Guys and girls,Its update time again bit of a gap as last weekend I was away in Bath and then BristolI've been working away on more Mars Attacks stuff and have pretty much finished 5 martian marines:These have been rather fun to work on, infact rather...

Travels and Gaming

Evening guys and girls,been quiet the past couple of weeks, I've actually been getting the odd few games in.The other weekend I took Star Wars Armada over to Rictus' house for a spin, must say I'm really impressed with it. It plays quite quickly once you have the...

Mars Attacks: General Tor & 107K views

Evening guys and girls,small update for you today, been working on some of my pile of mars attacks stuff this week and have just about finished General Tor the martian hero from the boxed game:and with his helmet on:This was a massively enjoyable model to paint, I...