Deadzone Terrain WiPs

Afternoon guys and girls,As threatened earlier in the week todays update will be terrain focused. Over the past few weeks ive been gradually building up a few bits and pieces for deadzone, most of it is smaller scatter terrain however I have one ruined building to...

INQ28: Slaaneshii Magos WiP

Evening guys and girls,apologies for the lack of recent updates, my 6 day week stints at work are hammering me, currently starting my 9th 6 day week........As such my hobby time is taking a beating as I'm just too tired most nights to do much if anything. The bits I...

Horus Heresy – Word Bearers #5

Evening Guys and girls,As promised yesterday here is another update, this time Word bearers themed.I'm progressing rather well with the first Tactical squad shouldnt be too much longer until they are finished. Here is how they currently stand:These two are all but...

Get my Armada off the ground

Evening guys and girls,Bit of a bonus update for you today, a proper update will go up tomorrow as normal.Yesterday I received Star Wars Armada, I'm still waiting on the fighter squadron expansions that I ordered at the same time however I thought a few of you would...

Assorted projects

Evening guys and girls,only a small update for you again this week, work is killing me at the moment I get home and normally hit a comatose state or just want to chill and watch TV.I have managed to get a bit more done on the word bearers but I will save that for the...