Horus Heresy – Word Bearers 4#

Evening guys and girls,only a small update for you tonight I'm afraid. I've been sorting out the next bits and pieces to paint after the current tactical squad. These are part of the little 500pt list I have put together.First up we have a Contemptor:I have had this...

Horus Heresy: Word Bearers #3

Evening guys and girls,Theres been a slight gap between updates, I blame this solely on work sucking all my energy and life out of me.Anyway I have some progress to show on the word bearers, I now have 5 up to a fairly decent standard:I must say I am really enjoying...

Horus Heresy: Word Bearers #2

Evening guys,It appears these mid week updates are becoming a regular thing, scary isnt it haha.Anyway this is a small update more to show where I'm at with the test word bearer and to get some of your thoughts on the red so far:I've taken the advice from comments on...

Deadzone: WiP Asterians

Evening Guys and Girls,Normal update time, this time based on Deadzone.I've been slowly working my way through the Asterian launch bundle I bought and I'm getting closer and closer to having the faction starter box painted up. Heres a few pics of the guys that are...

Mhara Gal

Evening guys and girls,Very small update for you all tonight. The Mhara Gal that I ordered at the Horus Heresy weekender arrived earlier in the week, its an absolutely stunning model.I thought I would take a few pictures of some of the parts as I haven't seen many...