Horus Heresy – Word Bearers #1

Well its update time again, and today also happens to be my birthdayTodays update is all about the start of my Word Bearers, given I've been off work the past week I've been getting the first 10 tac marines built:I have a bit of an embracing Chaos theme with these...

Horus Heresy Weekender Aftermath

Evening guys and girls, a little late getting this one out.Last weekend was the horus heresy weekender and we took the opportunity to integrate it with one of our normal meet ups. Rictus and Nife were present as always and this time we were joined by Grizz the bearded...

Dungeon Saga: Goblin Chieftain

Evening Guys and Girls,Its time for another update. As you might have noticed I've been having a play around with the layout of the blog and over all theme. I've gone for a nice futuristic vibe as it goes with the direction most of my projects are heading in these...

Horus Heresy: White Scars Legion champion WiP

Evening guys,Bit of a mixed bag of an update for you today. I've been spending a chunk of my normal hobby time having a huge sort out of my models and projects.I've chucked out a bit, sorted out more stuff to sell and even completely changed direction in my plans for...

WiP Deadzone Plague

Evening guys,The update is a bit later than promised mainly as I got distracted with farcry 4 and actually having a weekend to myself after the madness of the festive period at work.Today I've just got a few more WiP plague conversions to show, been having some fun...